When you stumble and fall headlong into a whirlpool of pain and terror, self-blame and helplessness, when you cling to the sharp rocks and jagged driftwood that pierce through your tender skin, holding tight for tear that letting go would hurt worse, would rip you apart, when you lash against yourself again and again, angry howls of shame and hate, riven by impossible desires, may you trust that there is a grace that follows you even to the most tangled, broken places. May you trust that invisible witnesses accompany you wherever you go, holding you in their vast, wise gazes, pouring forth love that surrounds you even when–especially when–you cannot find love for yourself, anymore than you can find a way out of the maelstrom. May you allow this deep, accepting love in, past all your spikes and walls and harsh shells–may you breathe through the searing moments of recognition that follow, allowing the rhythm of your inhales and exhales to steady, soothe, and enliven you. And when you can once again see the serene blue that is the deepest ground of the sky, always present underneath no matter how the clouds may rage and spit, when you find yourself walking with a bit more certainty, back on familiar land, may you have the courage to forgive yourself for your fall. May you wash yourself in the warmth of the infinite love burning within you, remembering that everyone stumbles, that detours and slips seem to be somehow essential to our paths. May you remember that there is nowhere you can go where love cannot find, that there is nothing you can do that will permanently mar the glow of the star pulsing within you.